We’ve all heard of snowbirds, bluebirds and jay birds, but have you heard of the poor, pesky chimney bird? If you’re a Indianapolis homeowner, you may have had the issue of a chimney bird getting stuck in your chimney. Our Indianapolis trees are plentiful and mature, so this is a fairly common phenomenon.

What should I do about a bird in my chimney?

Although we deal with all things chimney, it’s not traditionally in our job description to save you from the foul play (pun intended) in your smokestack. But we can offer you some guidance on how to get one of those pesky chimney birds out if it’s stuck in your chimney (not fireplace). 

  1. Open the fireplace damper.
  2. Put an open box (open side up) in the fireplace opening about one inch from the top of the fireplace. You can use a fireplace gate or another box to adjust it to the right height.
  3. Turn on a flashlight and put it inside the box, then replace the box to its original location.
  4. Make the room as quiet as possible, silencing TVs and music. Wait silently until the bird enters the box.
  5. Trap the bird by sliding a piece of cardboard over the open box. Take the box outside and remove the cardboard to set the bird free.

If the bird is in your fireplace box, close off all entrances to the room, as well as hallways with sheets hung by thumbtacks. Open the door or screen slightly and trap the bird by tossing a towel over it. Gather up all corners of the towel, keeping the bird inside and carry it outside to release that chimney bird back into the wild.

What do I do if the bird is flying free throughout my room?

Dim the lights in the room and guide the bird with a broom toward the open door or window. In the event that it’s dark outside, turn on an exterior light to help guide the bird to the exit.

Although we know that dealing with birds in chimneys can be stressful for homeowners, keep in mind that it is equally unnerving for the bird. Try to stay as calm as possible and follow our steps to make your chimney a bird free establishment.

Why do birds and critters get stuck in chimneys?

Houses today are frequently built with small metal flue pipes instead of clay liners. These flues can prove to be deadly for animals that are unable to establish a solid grip on the slippery metal, causing them to fall into the fireplace. The Chimney Swift bird is notorious for this, hence the name.

A great way to make sure birds and critters haven’t gotten stuck in your chimney is to keep up with your annual chimney and fireplace maintenance and schedule a chimney sweep. Be sure properly prepare your home and give us a call 317-500-1250 to schedule your appointment.